Intensive driving courses

Some people prefer taking a more intensive approach to learning to drive as it fits their lifestyle better. You may already have done some driving need to refresh and polish your skills prior to a test, or perhaps it is easier fit the driving in by taking some time off work. If you live in the Bournemouth area, we can tailor a course to fit your needs and experience.

If you'd like to take an intensive driving course, we will discuss your current experience level to get an idea of how many hours we recommend. As a rough guide, typically 40 hours suits a complete beginner, 30 hours might be ideal for someone with a little experience, 20 hours if you have already done quite a lot of driving, and 10 hours if you are already pretty much at test standard and just need to refresh your skills.

It can be a good idea to have an assessment lesson prior to the course to help establish what you will need in order to have the best chance of success in your practical test.

When you book an intensive driving course, if you don't already have a test date, we will organise that first and then schedule the teaching around that date. Typically we do 3-5 hour per driving session.

Site updated: 1st July 2024

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