Knowledge base

This section of the website is continually developing with new articles and tutorials being added, covering many aspects of driving and the process of learning to drive in the UK.

Knowledge base articles

  • Should I signal around obstructions?
    Here we look at whether you should be signalling when you go past obstructions. 
  • Driving test safety questions
    This video looks at the safety questions (sometimes known as show me / tell me questions) that can be asked as part of your driving test. Have a look to refresh your knowledge.
  • Why do I sometimes stall when I try to move away? 
    This article examines the primary causes of stalls in a manual car when moving away. We've all been there as learners, but understanding the cause will help you put solutions in place to minimise the problem
  • How are driving tests marked?
    Here we look at the way in which driving tests are marked to help you understand what the examiner is looking for
  • What is coasting?
    Many learners will have been told they tend to coast. This page looks at what coasting means, why you want to avoid it, and how you do things better

Site updated: 1st July 2024

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